Articles for category: Family Law


Expert Attorney Fayetteville NC Family Law: Your Guide to Navigating Family Legal Matters

When it comes to matters of family law, emotions can run high, and situations can quickly become complicated. Whether you’re facing a difficult divorce, dealing with child custody disputes, or tackling property division, having an experienced attorney in Fayetteville, NC, specializing in family law, can make all the difference. Family legal issues are deeply personal, ...

What is sex discrimination?

Sex discrimination refers to being treated unfairly because you’re a man, or a woman. You may be able take legal action if you see sex discrimination in the following situations: Training and employment Education Must Read:  successor accountability preventing the mine field of unexpected vulnerability When providing goods or services such as entertainment, banking, and ...


Time limit for going to court for a birth injury

As in any other state, the time required to request a trial can seem more complicated than necessary. Here are some short answers and some details that may be useful, interesting, or both. Medical errors in mothers at the time of giving birth that are injured during the delivery of babies, generally must be sued ...

Divorce What It Costs How Much Time It Takes

It’s a finite legal significance and relates solely to the dissolution of a union rather than the possible surrounding issues of land settlements and custody agreements. Changes to the Family Law Act in 1975 left ‘no error’ Divorce potential and shifted the legislation such that there’s currently just 1 floor for Divorce recognized by Australian ...

What Happens if a Divorce Goes to Trial?

The trial is the very last step in any divorce process, which means there are plenty of opportunities to avoid trial altogether. Mediation and settlement options can help resolve the details of a divorce without presenting the case in court, but this isn’t always a viable option for every couple. You can learn about alternatives ...

Is There a Benefit to Choosing Legal Separation Over Divorce?

It’s not uncommon for couples to live in separate households before deciding to go through with their divorce. This period, often called a “trial separation,” gives both spouses an opportunity to evaluate their individual situations and whether or not pursuing legal action is worth the hassle. What Is Legal Separation?Some couples who separate end up ...

Proceeding with Family Law Matters During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Necessity Is The Mother Of InventionAs the Covid-19 pandemic took hold, the Country, the States, Counties, and Municipal governments were forced to try to promptly come up with ways to balance protecting people’s health with protecting people’s rights. Access to justice was not immune to this dilemma. Over the course of March and April, the ...

Marriage Story: What the film got right and wrong about divorce

The Oscar-nominated Netflix film Marriage Story is a moving narrative that depicts the experiences and evolution of a family going through a divorce. The film follows divorcing spouses, Nicole (played by Scarlett Johansson) and Charlie (played by Adam Driver), as their split plays out. It got a lot of things right about what it’s like ...

Do I Have To Pay Child Support If I Have No Income?

How Is Child Support Determined If A Parent Has No Income?If you don’t have a source of income and cannot afford child support, you will still be required to make a monthly child support payment. If a parent does not have a source of income, the court may calculate income based on prior work history ...