You might be eligible for free or reduced-cost legal assistance if you are unable to afford it.
You might get:
Legal aid for serious problems
Free, low-cost or fixed-fee legal advice from lawyers or advice charities
Free legal assistance from your trade union, or another membership organization
Legal advice regarding insurance policies
Help paying court fees – Read about how GOV.UK can help you pay your court fees
You can access free legal advice online if you have been arrested or are going to be interrogated at a station. It doesn’t matter how much you earn.
Legal aid
Legal aid may be available if your case is severe and you cannot afford to pay the legal costs.
Legal aid might be available if you are:
You or your children could be at risk from forced marriage or domestic violence
You’ll be homeless
Family mediation is necessary
you’re being discriminated against
You are taking a case to court pursuant to the Human Rights Act
You’ve been charged with a crime, and you could be sent to prison
There are two types of legal assistance: civil and criminal.
Get free assistance
You might be eligible for legal aid from a charity or volunteer lawyer if you are unable to pay for your own barrister or solicitor.
Ask your local Citizens Advice
You might find the nearest Citizens Advice able to assist you with:
Employment rights
Health or social care
Housing and homelessness
Asylum and immigration
To find out if Citizens Advice can help you, contact them.
Help with a consumer issue
Citizens Advice can be reached at 1-800-467-4465 if you have a problem with a consumer.
Locate a law center
A solicitor or a trained legal advisor might be able to offer advice at a centre. The following services are offered by law centres:
Community care
Housing and homelessness
Asylum and immigration
The Law Centres Network website allows you to find the nearest law center.
LawWorks can be reached at
The LawWorks website allows you to search for free legal advice clinics. It also contains information about other organizations that may be of assistance.
Advocate is here to help
Advocate can help you get a volunteer lawyer to represent you if your case goes to court. Advocate can help you check if it might be able to assist you.
Funding for exceptional cases
There are a few chances that you may be eligible for ‘exceptional funding’ if you don’t qualify for legal aid.